I've just watched Spider Man 2 and 3 again.
I really like part 2 which portrait a very human Spider Man.
Even Peter Parker/Spider Man has super power, he is still like any normal young man.
He has to go to school, has to do research, has to work and earn money to live, and has a girl that he is ready to die for.
His super power is also his problem, like a man in the movie said: "Great power comes with great responsibility", Spider Man is responsible for using his power to help people.
When he is in his costume, when he is Spider Man, he is a hero, people love him.
But when he is back to Peter Parker, he does not have enough time to take care of his own life. He misses classes, he is late to work and lose his job, he can not come to see his girlfriend. Someone may say "What a loser" and I may agree.
And that is when Spider Man asks himself "Should I continue?"
I think many people must have the same feeling some times in their lives. Have you ever wondered why you are working so hard for? Do you get paid enough for what you are doing? Do you deserve more than that?
Which one is more important, your responsibility or yourself?
Do what you should do or what you want to do?
Or try to want to do what you should do?
I have to answer those questions myself many times.
And I still wonder what the right answers are?
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