I have finished the last exam this morning. Not so good, not so bad.
Enterprise Java, I love the subject but I hate the lecturer.
Now I have 7 weeks plus 3 days until next semester. 52 days. 1248 hours. Wow.
My first plan is traveling around Melbourne. I have been here for more than 1 year and spent most of the time with my laptop. It's so embarrassing.
I wanna go to Sydney and Tasmania as well. But money could be a problem.
At least I'll try to go in the next two years.
Another thing I wanna do is improving my own softwares that I have been working on.
Create some design documents, separate the old codes to many tiers, apply what I have studied in the last semester... Time-consuming but interesting things.
I also plan to post them here someday.
Have a good winter time, my friends.