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Thursday, April 23, 2009

I love you Mom

Last Sunday was my Mom's birthday. My phone card which I had used to call to my country was expired so I sent my Mom an email. I said happy birthday to Mom and asked her if anything happened at home. I also wished her good health, and told she to take care of herself. Well, I and my sister are far away, my Dad is so busy with his business and he is not at home often, so my Mom must feel very sad and lonely. Fortunately, my girlfriend is able to come by sometimes, and I hope it helps.

My Mom sent me a reply two days later. Of course she said something that a mother usually says to her son. But there was one thing that I haven't heard from her for a long time: she said "I love you". Even I know that deeply, I still love to hear those words. They make me feel so warm.

I do not really know how to show it either but I love you too, Mom.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Let's start

Finally, I have some free time to start making my new blog more alive.
This one is my 2nd blog, my first one is on Yahoo!360 which is dying.
The difference about this new blog is that it will be in English only.
First of all, I want my blog to be read by other than just my Vietnamese friends.
Second, even I have been in Australia for months, my English writing skill has not improved much, so I want to practice more.
Well, I have been so busy with many assignments in Swinburne. They are all big and time-consuming. In addition, my girlfriend is coming soon, that makes me cannot completely concentrate in studying - I guess it is one of my greatest weakness.

I went to BVRC this morning looking a some voluntary jobs. There are some really cool positions.
I like the one which works at Swinburne as it is convenient. Maybe they prefer an native English speaker. But, well, you will never know until you try and it doesn't hurt to try.

I will try to finish the assignment about Java Spring Framework within the next two days. It has taken me so much time. I still need to complete the cover letter for CIC subject and study for the test next Tuesday as well. So tiring they are. If I am hard-working enough, maybe I will have some time for new posts. Yeah, I have been thinking about some topics that are related to programming.

OK, see you soon.